106 furnished serviced apartments together with luxury work & rest place. Great location, comfortable & home like feeling.
物業地產 / 服務式住宅木的地.R優越服務式住宅 

DKVN is a software development & consultation company, which was established by in 1995. Our Service include Network Integration, Project Management, System Development, System Design, Multimedia

位於天后水星街23號,瞬間直達天后港鐵站,提供開放式套房及兩房單位以供選擇 Located at 23 Mercury Street in Tin Hau, few minutes to Tin Hau MTR Station, offers Studio and 2-bedroom apartments

催眠治療師 證書 課程 在廿一世紀的今天,催眠治療已被廣泛應用於不同範疇上,其效果快速而永久。催眠治療可:消除壓力、控制體重、提升身心健康、增強記憶力及自信心、自我改進、發揮潛能、平衡情緒、改善人際關係、消除抑鬱及驚恐、戒癮、減輕身體痛楚、舒緩長期病症、手術前後的情緒困擾及加速身體康復等等。 修讀催眠治療師課程,不單可為你平衡情緒、自我提升,你更可成為專業人士,開創事業,享受為治療者帶來改變及提
教學進修 / 會計及經濟睿智應用心理學教育中心

利瑞科技有限公司-APTECH BUSINESS SOLUTION LIMITED 擁有多年的經驗,系統被廣泛應用於一些行業,如零售商店,銀行,醫院和餐館使用數碼海報,排隊系統,數字廣告牌,店內顯示,Emenu,電梯顯示系統等。

寶寶歡樂城市-讓您找回遊戲最初的感動寶寶歡樂城市首頁:http://www.boboseal.com寶寶歡樂城市論壇:http://bbs.boboseal.com打造最優質的繁體私服遊戲樂園,逗陣作伙玩免費私服 【伺服器特色】寶寶希望戀曲私服是最早寶寶新希望私服的繁體私服,具有獨特的風格特色近改名寶寶歡樂城市,主要就是要打造更多遊戲的娛樂平台來造福私服玩家寶寶歡樂城市內的遊戲皆為繁體,除之前寶寶

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手機電腦互聯網 / 節目及活動信諾電腦公司

Main Focus is an exclusive agent of several reputable brands. Such as XX HID, enon HID, Focus 7 color meter as well as the quality EL dashboard.


hm PRIVATE i SALON is located in Causeway Bay district, another salon of PRIVATE i SALON Group, which specifically for young OL market.
h美容 / 髮型設計及護髮hm PRIVATE I SALON

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手機電腦互聯網 / 節目及活動香港脊椎及運動創傷治療中心

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About Main Focus Founded in 2000, Main Focus serves the market with a broad range of car lighting products. At present we have several major distributors and dealers all over the world. And now we ar

About P & L Associates The history of P & L Associates begins in 1989 when Mr. Allan Luk and Mr. Harry Tsui, the founders of the Company, started their software development programme for CSA,
P手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫P and L Associates

background... TechToLink was founded in 1994 in Hong Kong, with the mission of providing high quality system consulting services with an emphasis on PC and networked PC applications. Over the years t
T手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Tech To Link Company

Established in 1989, Infocan's business focus is to provide information technology enabling and skills transfer services to organization users. Enable means to turn hardware and software products int
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫安富勤電腦有限公司
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